Women in Tech Panel Discussion

Avatar Dr. T | January 15, 2018 300 Views 1 Like 5 On 2 Ratings

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I was very busy on demo day! But in a very good way! One of the events I was able to participate with was WomenGetIT in a panel discussion on how women can enter into the tech industry. The other ladies on the panel included Elaina Brintnall and Jeanne Schroder.

The video is below for your reference and enjoyment because we had a lot of fun! One of the things I learned is that we need to be patient with ourselves when we are trying anything new. We can do great things when we give ourselves space to learn and to be ourselves. I’ve spoken on several panels on women in STEAM and I had a lot of fun at this one because of the honesty and wonderful advice that was shared that even benefitted me as a panelist!

What do you want you legacy to be?

If you are interested in tech or want to learn more about how to get involved, contact me! I don’t know everything, but I know enough to get you in some sort of tech trouble, which means only good can come from it!